Wednesday, August 22, 2007

pure imagination

Is it possible the world we see is of our own making? The science of quantum physics tells us that subatomic particles respond in direct correlation to the intention, or desired outcome of the observer. Does that mean that whatever we truly want will become manifest? Consider a time when you've been really interested in something, say arrowheads, and everywhere you looked you saw something about arrowheads, or met someone who talked about arrowheads, or a friend of a friend who puts you in touch with a specialist in arrowheads. And as you follow along and pick up each clue toward your dream of owning or studying arrowheads, you are led to yet another clue, and so on, until you're either led to the ultimate arrowhead, or else, you stop taking steps towards the next clue and your "leads" stop coming. This idea of a "servant" universe is the very subject of the movie The Secret that's been so much talked about lately just about everyone it seems, including Oprah!

So we learn about The Secret and we decide we'll start focusing on that $10M home we've been dreaming of, and fame and fortune, a huge bank account, love, a baby ... whatever it might be. But nothing happens, except the usual bills, car breakdowns, work place relationship difficulties and physical ailments. How come?

Because just as in the old movie The Forbidden Planet, there's a caveat ... and that is we must first gain control of our subconscious mind in order to benefit from the outcome of choice, or else we continue to manifest the monsters of the Id.*

Like an ocean-going vessel without a captain, continually taking on additional passengers, adrift on the high sea... and going any which way but loose, is our vast and powerful subconscious mind. It might also be likened to a huge vending machine, as it is pumps out the physical world we see, based upon our expectations, quantum physics! And it makes me wonder, if I hit this button, will I really get M&M's or some icky candy I absolutely hate!

More than likely, the icky candy. What manifests for most of us are our worries and fears, because those are the things we tend to focus our thinking on, despite not wanting to. Rarely do we wake in the middle of the night to consider our happy desires, mostly we wake up to worry about money, financial ruin, debt, a white lie that turned into a white elephant, marital problems, whatever, we've all been there. And like a broken record, these are the thoughts that keep replaying over and over on the undercurrents of our mind. Whereas, our dreams which seem distant and beyond reach, the things we hope to obtain... are like pennies in that giant fountain, sinking to the bottom and glittering faintly under gallons of undulating waves, our worries and insecurities obscuring them. The subconscious mind is directed by our focus, steered by our individual wills (on a worldwide level, our collective wills). It serves up exactly what we want. Wonderful, isn't it? Magical, in fact! So how do we fix it?

Despite what we may think, it doesn't need fixing, because it runs perfectly! We just don't know how to work it very well. The reason it seems to have run amuck is because we're letting it. There's no one at the helm but our crazy, unfocused thinking. And most of us aren't willing to do the work required to control it. Just consider the conscious mind, close your eyes and try to focus (meditate) on one thing for 10 minutes, without allowing the mind to wander. Focus on the word, Love, for instance. It truly requires a feat of the will. Much like a television remote control gone haywire, it's nearly impossible to stop switching channels and thinking about the laundry, bills, checking email, "oh this is a waste of time!", and myriad other mindless things! Even if you say the word over and over again, if you pay closer attention, you'll see undercurrents of all sorts of thoughts going on below the part of your mind that is saying the word Love over and over again. It's a wonder we get anything done with so much disconnected thinking going on!

So, how does one begin to control that vast storehouse of creative energy, including navigating memory banks filled with traumatic experiences our conscious mind has been spared? Throughout the ages, avatars (the Christs, the Buddhas, the Masters) of all religions who have "overcome the world" have been telling us .... but we evidently don't hear so well! The key is meditation! In every conceivable way, each have reitterated, "Your prayers go unanswered because you pray amiss. Go inside your room, alone, close your door, close your eys, sit quietly, in earnest, listen; "Be Still and Know that I Am God."

Meditation is a process of prolonged focus. A method of training the mind, so that instead of it controlling us, we control it and use it as the incredible, creative tool it was meant to be. It's like learning to drive a car, roughly. Up to now, only a few individuals have learned to master their "cars" ... most of us go around blindfolded, and the outcome is something like a bumpercar rally! Moreover, If one master's this practice of prolongued looking inward, they are bound to find more than themselves, more than self mastery, even. It is very possible and probable to directly experience God.

All that said, it is one thing to understand the concept of meditation on an intellectual level, it is another to do it. It is truly an art. It requires determination and discipline. But mastery is possible:

Begin with 5 minutes in the morning, and 5 minutes in the evening. Focus on your breathing, on a speck of white light in your mind's eye, on a word or phrase, "I Am Love" .... "God Is." Or simply take a stance of gratutide and listen for 5 minutes. Try to listen to the silence around you, your ears might pop, you might feel a gentle clicking inside your skull; new muscles being stretched. You'll be intrigued. Each time you find undercurrents of disjointed thinking... your mind wandering, note them with your attention and send them gently on their way, each time returning to your focus. It may be confounding initially. Try to relax with it. You'll find it gets easier and easier as the days go by. You'll find it spills over into your daily life, in that you have renewed ability to focus, your memory will improve and your ability to solve problems will increase tenfold. Answers will come to you easily. And little things will begin to happen that are in alignment with your true desires. Meditation is truly the foundation to creating a beautiful life. You may even discover something about yourself you never knew!

Remember Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka? To follow is one of my favorite pieces of music from that film. It seems that it was written by someone in the know, or perhaps a muse whispered the secret of the ages in the lyricists ear. I leave you with these words to think on....

"Come with me
And you'll be
In a world of
Pure imagination"

"Take a look
And you'll see
Into your imagination"

"We'll begin
With a spin
Traveling in
The world of my creation"

"What we'll see
Will defy

"If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Wanta change the world?
There's nothing to it"

"There is no
Life I know
To compare with
Pure imagination"

"Living there
You'll be free
If you truly wish to be"

"If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Wanta change the world?
There's nothing to it"

"There is no
Life I know
To compare with
Pure imagination"

"Living there
You'll be free
If you truly
Wish to be"

From: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory [Gene Wilder version]

Music and lyrics: Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newly

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